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welcome to KP Counseling

Hello & Welcome!

"Your life is meant to be an epic story. How you think, perform,

& live today is part of that script." 

                                                                                                                 ~Robin Sharma

therapy office decor


     "After many years of struggling with my mental health, it felt like I would never escape that "rollercoaster" of ups and downs. The constant racing thoughts, worries, the "what if's..." 

I spent A LOT of years silently miserable and never thought it was possible to feel like I do now. FREE. 

I poured my time, energy, heart, and soul into learning about myself & my mental health over a period of 15+ years, including becoming a licensed therapist myself. And finally it all paid off. 

In my early 30's, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD and my life has not been the same since. After spending many years since my diagnosis learning everything I possibly could about ADHD, and related symptoms, I decided to pursue a certification as an ADHD-CCSP (Certified ADHD Specialist). 

In addition to ADHD, I specialize in anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and trauma related disorders. Having been part of the mental health system, myself, and now having a broad education and personal UNDERSTANDING of what struggling with mental illness is like,  I hope to use my practice, knowledge, and experiences to be a source of support and guidance in helping others find the tools and skills that effectively address mental health symptoms.

Living with emotional pain is no way to live- let me help you-it is worth it!"

Life is hard, we all need help. 

Reach out and help yourself! 


Flexible hours   

​Serving adults & adolescents

Easy access to virtual sessions 


Specializing in ADHD, mood disorders, & related symptoms

Clients will have unlimited access to a full digital content library including handouts, printable worksheets, articles, graphics, blog posts, video clips, social media content, & e-books (personally created by me)!

"Therapy is about understanding the self that you are. But part of getting to know yourself is to unknow yourself-to let go of the limiting stories you've told yourself about who you are so that you aren't trapped by them, so you can live your life and not the story you've been telling yourself about your life.

                                                   ~Lori Gottlieb

Thanks for visiting our site! 

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